Advice for common
middle school PROBLEMS
Written by Estela Gilfillan
In middle school, there are many challenges and obstacles that happen. In this article here are some common things that middle schoolers face and possible solutions you can try to help. If you struggle with time management, due dates, late work, and focusing, you are welcome to use any of the suggestions that we offer. We hope they will help you!
TIME Management

When you're in school managing your time can be difficult, with sports, hobbies, chores, homework, etc. With all of that, managing your time can be hard when you need to fit everything into one day. One thing you can do is make a checklist of everything that needs to be done that day or night, so you know all of the things you need to get done. Another thing you can do is if you know when some events are happening, you can mark them down on a calendar. For example, you can do this with sports events, get-togethers, quizzes, due dates, etc... . If you need help managing your time these are some things you can try to help you.
Due Dates
In every subject, there are always assignments that have to be completed on a certain day; sometimes it's easy to forget that something is really due that day, and you realize it's not completed. Ways to prevent this from happening is mark it down on a calendar or a place that you look often to see the things you need to do. Another thing you can do is you can set a reminder a day or a few days before the due date so you know that it needs to be completed. If you have trouble remembering when things are due, these are some things you can do so you can get your schoolwork in on time.
Late Work
When you’re out of school or you're just really busy, you can get behind on work and it can become late. A way to help fix this is to talk to your teachers and still turn it in even though it may be late, so you get a grade instead of a zero. But talking to your teachers even after you submit is a great way to make sure you are all caught up. You can also see if there is extra credit work if you are interested. Getting behind happens a lot, and these are a few things you can do if it happens to you.
In school there can be many distractions that can keep people from getting their work done. The best way for you to stay focused is to bring in something that you can fidget with, but make sure you ask your teachers if that’s okay. Sometimes if you’re fidgeting with something, it can help you stay focused and not be distracted by what other people may be doing. It can keep you from getting unfocused. Another thing you can do is to bring gum or mints to eat or chew on while completing your work to keep you focused and not be distracted. Each teacher may let you do some of these things and some may not, so make sure you ask them if it’s all right to use these focusing methods in their classes. If you get distracted easily and have trouble focusing in school, these are a few things you can try to help keep you focused.