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Interview by Chloe Magnotta & Alyssa Tryniszewski

An interview with head coach PHETHEAN
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How long have you been running/coaching XC?

I have been running since I was in middle school, and I have been coaching for about seven years. 


What got you interested in XC?

I didn’t start cross country here. The coach before me started it here, so he kind of pulled me into it. However, I did start the winter running club here, and I became interested in coaching because I have always been a runner. 


Is running XC in winter more challenging or is it easier than running in the spring/fall/summer?

It is not more challenging; it is just different. It is colder in the winter, but I would rather run in the cold than the hot weather. If you are all bundled up appropriately, you are fine for the winter!


What is your best record in running XC?

My last marathon was 26.2 miles and I ran it in 4 hours and 28 minutes, and my half marathon record was 1 hour and 57 minutes. My 10K was 52 minutes and 13 seconds. And my 5K was 21 minutes and 26 seconds. 

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Cross country has changed my life because it is a community -- it is a great community to be a part of! The West Chester Community is so helpful. I would push my kids in a stroller, I would run with my husband, my friends... Running has just had a big impact on me.

What do you enjoy most about winter XC?

Just how relaxing it can be just getting out there and running -- not competing. Training, just running.


What is the Charger’s best XC score?

This year the boys came in third place for our championship, and the girls also came in third place at our championship meet this year.

How has the XC team improved from when they first started?

So I have only been coaching here for three years, and last year our season was so different because of COVID. We only competed against our other schools. And [then] I see kids come out and barely be able to run... And then when they get to Henderson High School, [they] run 5Ks in 17 or 16 minutes. I like seeing that.


What are you and the XC team’s goals for this season?

For Winter Running Club ,the goal would just be to maintain their physical shape, so in the spring they are still physical for track. So the goal is to keep their physical shape and stay active and healthy.

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